Friday, December 17, 2010

Movie Ticket Subscriptions - Tickets at Discount Prices

I really enjoy this program and I think it is something you might be interested in.  BARGAIN MOVIE TICKETS ( is offering monthly subscriptions for movie tickets (costing up to $12) - for about $5 a ticket (around 50% off since most tickets are around $9-$10).   So, if you sign up for the three movie tickets a month subscription, you would pay $15.99, for four tickets, $19.99, five tickets, $24.99 and for six tickets, $29.99.  For a large family like mine, I get the five ticket deal.  This program works great because it also includes 3-D movies and IMAX movies (you might have to pay a dollar or so more for admission, since these usually cost around $13).

Sign up for this program's three-day trial membership and you get a free movie ticket just for doing so.  You can activate the ticket immediately.  You will then use the code to print out a movie ticket voucher to use at the ticket booth.  There is a list of theaters that will accept the vouchers on the main page  If you decide not to become a regular subscriber, you can cancel before the three-day membership ends.  They are available by e-mail, phone or live support to cancel or to answer questions about how the program works.

My kids love going to the movies, and we have really been able to take advantage of this offer.  I hope you will, too!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Why hello!  Welcome to my first attempt at a blog.  My name is Teresa, and I am giddy with pleasure that I will have the opportunity to let you know about great deals and coupons that I discover or hear of through the grapevine.  I will share some of my shopping scenarios, in case you wish to try them yourself.  I will also give reviews of movies or products that I enjoy using.

But first, let me tell you about myself.  I am a full-time working mom with three children at home: Armando, Andy and Victor.  Armando, works part-time in health education and coordination of volunteers for fundraisers and health screenings, and is also a student at Portland State University. Andy is my 15 year old.  He is active in sports (Football and Basketball) while going to high school as a freshman.  And Victor, my youngest, is a 6th grader who loves to read "how it works" books.  My oldest son, Julian, is married; I would just like to say I think he is a GREAT dad.  I have a granddaughter, Emma, that is adorable and loves all things Dora the Explorer.  As you can see, my children bring me much joy and I am very proud of all of them.  Oh yeah, I am also married.  My partner in crime is Ismael and he works full time at Alpenrose Dairy.  And we all live in Beaverton, Oregon!

My favorite past-time is cruising the store aisles, with my coupons in hand, and snagging deals.  Bringing home 10 boxes of all sorts of Nabisco crackers for 10 dollars or less, or cereal for 25 cents a box are my "bread and butter" let's say.... :)  I will try to include pictures of my finds as we go.

That said, please enjoy your time reading my blog!